Thursday, February 27, 2020

Integrated Spatial Fire and Forest Management Planning Article

Integrated Spatial Fire and Forest Management Planning - Article Example The article puts forward the notion that fire science should reapply many of these metrics so that human activities, the impact of access roads, and other factors are counted alongside the information that has traditionally been accounted for with regards to fire loss estimates as a means of more realistically relating key information to the concerned parties. An alternative view of this particular debate is with regards to the fact that many individuals within the fire service community and forcefully management communities are of the opinion that human impacts upon natural environments cannot be categorically stated or counted in a verifiable manner due to the fact that many of these impacts are created long before forcefully management and/or subsequent forest fires actually take place within the region. Although it is true that certain human impacts to forest management and forest fires as a whole can take place long after the region has been designated as a forestry management a rea or even experienced a forest fire. This disconnect between time periods and the means by which human impacts affect different regions to a different degree casts a level of doubt with regards to the metrics and means by which the authors of this particular article measure it against is somewhat worrisome due to the fact that the metrics by which the authors propose would necessarily have the individual believed that any and all forest fires are impacted upon by the very same mechanism.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Operating System Concepts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operating System Concepts - Assignment Example 2. Methods and Object Synchronization (mutual exclusion): One process should be able to use only one resource at a time. The request by another process should be delayed until the resource has been released. 3. Deadlock prevention: Deadlock can be prevented by using different schemes or by avoiding the necessary conditions (mutual exclusion, hold and wait, no preemption and circular wait (Stalling, 274)) which hold true for it. The different schemes are: 2. (20 points) Given that the first three necessary conditions for a deadlock are in place, provide detailed comments on the feasibility of the following strategy and the potential outcomes based upon its application. All processes are given unique priorities. When more than one process is waiting for a resource and the resource becomes available, allocate the resource to the waiting process with the highest priority. Now, in the given scenario all processes have their unique priority. Let us assume there are two resources R1 and R2 and process P1 has higher property than P2. Consider P1 holds R1 and P2 holds R2 and P2 is requesting for R1. Now, if P1 requests for R2 it will not get the resource even if it has the higher priority, because resources are not preemptive. So deadlock is still possible in this condition. There exists one CPU in this system, which may run one program at a time. Should information be allowed to move from any level to any level or should transfers only occur from adjacent levels? Explain in detail.